The GuaRdians of Time | A monumental installation in Guimet – French National Museum of AsiaN
为庆祝中法建交 60 周年,法国国立吉美亚洲艺术博物馆邀请中国艺术家蒋琼耳,创作了今年在法国具有重大影响力的巨型艺术项目《时间的容器》,在博物馆外立面和馆内4 个标志性空间展出,呈现了一场充满人类力量和文化气息的世界文明对话,召唤着人们重新联结,重获生命的完整。
此届灯光节,蒙彼利埃植物园(Jardin des Plantes de Montpellier)、喜剧歌剧院(l’OpéraComédie)、圣皮埃尔·德·蒙彼利埃大教堂(la Cathédrale Saint-Pierre)、圣洛克教堂(l’ÉgliseSaint-Roch)、国际公共关系之家(Maison des Relations Internationales)、蒙彼利埃圣母圣殿(Notre-Dame des Tables)等 11 个标志性的文化历史场地惊艳回归,将蒙彼利埃市中心打造为光影交织的奇妙世界,展示出令人惊叹的技术、创意与艺术之美。活动吸引了超过42 万名游客在此探索并领略蒙彼利埃珍贵而丰富的文化遗产。
今年的光影之城 - 灯光节主题是:“蒙彼利埃的历史与世界的对话” (Montpellier, son histoireet ses relations avec le monde),蒋琼耳受邀参加,让《时间的容器 - 十二呼唤》在此绽放光芒。蒋琼耳这次的作品“十二呼唤”,以开放的视角探索世界,从中国及世界悠久的历史文化中汲取灵感,以前瞻性的思考于历史中创造未来的神话。此次蒙彼利埃光影之城 - 灯光节,她给十二个充满灵性的神兽,穿上了时间的盛装,寻找着人类意义的外形。从巴黎的吉美,到上海西岸艺术博览会,到蒙派利埃光影之城,在一个个心灵的聚集地,蒋琼耳用她那充满能量的大型城市艺术语言,神圣地、人性地、温暖地去重建这个时代的共同体。
在公园入口处,高达3 米多的大型艺术作品《自由》矗立欢呼。在夜晚以自身的光亮守护着这些价值观,见证着过去、现在和未来的时光。像时间一样自由,像自由一样永恒。《自由》邀请公众穿越空间,与十二位神兽伙伴,进入暂时的冥想时刻,成为时间的守护者。
关于大型艺术项目《时间的容器》:为庆祝中法建交 60 周年,法国国立吉美亚洲艺术博物馆邀请了来自中国的艺术家蒋琼耳女士,通过其天马行空的思维,以全新艺术项目《时间的容器》勾勒华夏文明与神话符号的当代诠释,描绘出一座东西方思想和文化交流的桥梁。《时间的容器》由“民胞物与”、“祈起”、“XII 呼唤”、“AI 女书 2024/勇敢”以及“内观洞穴”五组作品组成。在 AI 人工智能的辅助下,蒋琼耳创作了代表着她心中 21 世纪世界公民价值观精神的十二神兽。十二个充满灵性的形象再创于守护过中华及人类历史的神兽,每一神兽都讲述了一个独特的故事,呼唤着一种时代精神,代表着自由、善良、自然、时间、探索、共融、平等、博爱、勇敢、智慧、和平、本真。正逢龙年,作为华夏图腾的龙元素也随世界人类共同体的精神呼唤,一同被编织进这十二种神兽的生命中,从而形成21 世纪的新寓言。《时间的容器》正在法国国立吉美亚洲艺术博物馆展出,展期将至 2025 年 2 月。
To celebrate in splendour the year of China at the Guimet, monumental and spectacular installations will be taking over the museum with a modern and imaginative interpretation of Chinese cultural and mythological symbols.
The Guadian's of Time
From late April until February 2025, the Guimet is inviting designer and visual artist Jiang Qiong Er from Shanghai to create a dialogue with this important centre for Asian Arts through a unique installation.
For Guardians of Time, Jiang Qiong Er’s work will be taking over several emblematic areas of the museum, taking the visitor on a stirring and captivating journey through a visionary reflection on time, between tradition and technology, heritage and innovation, memory and imagination.
For Origin, the facade of the building at Place d’Iéna will be entirely covered with red tulle, adorning the museum with the colours of China and creating a bridge between past and present. The museum will be ‘reborn’ as a contemporary reinterpretation of the Chinese grottoes of Mogao, Yungang and Longmen, whichboast some of the finest examples of cave art. Assisted by artificial intelligence,Jiang Qiong Er has created twelve mythical creatures which the artist believes represent the essential values of the 21st century. These creatures appear at the top of the rotunda and on the windows of the facade, as if they were guarding modern-day grottoes. Inspired by legendary Chinese creatures, each one tells aunique story, and in celebration of the Year of the Dragon, each incorporates dragon iconography in their morphology. The birth of twelve new creatures torepresent a new, 21st century bestiary.
The entrance hall becomes the stage for Initiation. The pillars of the entrance willbe different shades of the propitiatory colour red, each with a specific poeticmeaning to the Chinese.
The historic library on the first floor will feature a visual and sound installation, TheTwelve Calls. A bronze statue of each of the twelve mythical creatures from thefacade will be placed in a circle: Authenticity, Fraternity, Inclusion, Peace, Equality,Benevolence, Time, Exploration, Bravery, Nature, Wisdom and Freedom. As they seem to float in the air, the murmur of different languages fills the air, bringing tolife the centuries-old artwork on the walls.
On the roof garden, The Voice of Bravery is a gigantic net suspended above the rooftop of the museum, on which the collective poetic words of sixty Chinese women are embroidered, using a new “women’s script” inspired by nu shu. Longago, nu shu was the only script in the world created and used only by women. Nowout of use, this writing system has come back to life thanks to Jiang Qiong Er, with the assistance of AI, with a unique script embroidered into metal, emanating lifeand resilience, grace and spirituality.
The journey concludes in the rotunda on the fourth floor, which has been transformed into a modern cave, Introspection. Inside the dome is a scented partition made up of 5,000 bricks of Pu’er tea. Stones have been placed like amineral garden in the centre, capturing the creative energy of the cave. The dome becomes a space for meditation but also for creation in harmony with time with the passing of seasons through tea ceremonies, Chinese music and opera, poetry readings and gatherings... Everyone becomes the guardian of their own time.
The artist explains: “I designed Guardians of Time as a sensorial and spiritual experience which is both individual and collective. A bridge between the French and Chinese cultures, an open door onto each person’s imagination, and asuspended moment of poetry which portrays values I feel strongly about.”
For Yannick Lintz, President of the Guimet Museum: “Jiang Qiong Er’s work with the Guimet gives a unique dimension to Guimet x China 2024: through the scaleand diversity of work specifically created for the museum’s spaces, she makes the vibrant colours of China resonate through space and time, transporting the visitor,with tremendous creative generosity, to the colours and scents of China.”