庆祝中法建交 60 周年和法国精品协会成立 70 周年之际,协会发起了一场法国顶级品牌的卓越工艺与中国杰出工匠的技艺之间的一场“非凡”对话。
的一种精神境界。 杰出工匠们的精湛双手, 好似起舞着, 不仅仅创造出精湛的器
“中 法 匠 艺 对 话 游 园 会”探讨了法国和中国卓越匠艺之间的密切关系, 好似一场手
相互倾听的机会, 也是杰出匠人们通过极其精准的手势, 来互相学习与分享超越
装、调配…… 创造出与时共存的独特和永恒。
“中 法 匠 艺 游 园 会”是法式奢华精致与中国非凡工艺的交汇点, 也是一场两种文化
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of French-Chinese diplomatic
relations, and to celebrate 70 years since its founding, the Comité Colbert forges and
presents a dialogue between the savoir-faire of French luxury houses and that of distinct
Chinese craftsmen.
Jeux de Mains, literally “Play of Hands”, centres on the movement of the hand and on the materialisation of play, but most of all, it looks to the play of hands that shape, manipulate, and transform. The hand, so essential to grasping the world, is the primary tool of artistic craftsmanship. Art objects are born from the play of hands that sublimate a material.
For the hand is not just a tool – it holds a spirit of its own. Beyond physical objects, the ballet of the expert hands of craftsmen wields magic, surprise, emotion.
Through the interplay of gentleness, grace, harmony, poetry, and the countless subtle
nuances that lend a soul to technical mastery, Jeux de Mains explores the affinities between French and Chinese crafts brought to their highest degree of precision and refinement.
The dialogue is itself a call to play, to exchange and to share, an opportunity to listen and to enrich each other’s repertoires of infinitely precise gestures, imbued with year-old cultures and histories, yet perpetually open to innovation. Here, one paints, another lacquers, embroiders, engraves, sculpts, sews, embroiders, inlays, composes … all play to create unique and timeless objects.
Beauty fascinates, charms and sparks the imagination – a play of dreams, a play of desire, a play of journey: isn’t luxury in its very essence an invitation to play?
<Jeux de Mains> is a unique encounter between French excellence and the very best in
Chinese craftsmanship, where the two cultures join hands.