Milan 2024 :RocheBobois unveils its new collaborationwithChinese artist and designer Jiang Qiong Er
作为一年一度的全球设计盛会,2024年的米兰设计周在这个春天再次吸引了来自全球设计届及媒体届的目光,其中由法国高端家居品牌Roche Bobois 罗奇堡和中国艺术家、设计师蒋琼耳首次合作的「BAMBOOMOOD祥竹」系列更是成为本年度米兰设计盛事中融合东西之境的浓墨重彩的一笔。
「BAMBOO MOOD祥竹」系列同时也是RocheBobois罗奇堡首次与中国设计师合作的全系列家具。2024年恰逢Roche Bobois罗奇堡进入中国市场20周年,以及中法建交60周年之际,这一合作系列的发布便有了举足轻重的意义。
“竹子一直让我着迷,它优雅、坚韧、流畅、平和,以任性和嬉戏来对抗强风。竹子会弯曲但不会折断,它低语着,摇曳着,与光影戏耍共舞。竹子是一种永恒的存在,它可能看起来很脆弱,却为世界上最高的摩天大楼提供了源源不断的创意和灵感。我设计的这个「BAMBOO MOOD祥竹」系列,是一份邀请,邀请大家一起来到灵感、诗歌和梦想的不竭源泉的探索之旅。” ——蒋琼耳
竹子在中文语境中代表着正直、坚韧、朴素与和谐,蒋琼耳以浪漫诗歌韵律和水墨丹青之意重新诠释了这些精神,赋予其东方精神中内敛平和的气质并保持始终如一的优雅。「BAMBOO MOOD祥竹」系列包括沙发、屏风、案几和茶几矮桌,以及地毯和陶瓷饰品等。
屏风既是雕塑,又是家具,经过切割和穿孔的竹条塑造了极具现代感的设计。屏风中间镂空处截面,通过不同反差色彩的运用,产生“移步换景”的效果,在不同角度观察时会产生不同的色彩节奏的效果。此系列屏风有两屏,三屏,四屏的不同版本可供选择; 沙发流畅的线条让人不由自主地陷入沉思和宁静。它采用蜂窝状弹力面料装饰,微妙的青瓷绿色或珊瑚色线更突显弧形靠背。
Ahead of Milan DesignWeek 2024, Roche Bobois presents the BAMBOO MOOD collection created incollaboration with Chinese designer Jiang Qiong Er.
THE BAMBOO MOOD collection
With this collection, the designer wanted to conjure bamboo,a powerful symbol in Chinese culture. The plant represents the key values ofintegrity, resilience, simplicity and harmony.Jiang Qiong Er reinterprets these values with a poetic spin,adding touches that are often quirky but consistently elegant. The collectioncomprises a sofa, a screen, a console, and cocktail tables, together with rugsand ceramics.
Jiang Qiong Er :
“Bamboo has always fascinated me. Elegant,hardy, fluid and peaceful, it counters strong winds with insolence and play.Bamboo bends but does not break. It whispers, trembles, filters the light, andplays with shadow. Timeless. It may seem fragile, yet it provides scaffoldingfor the world’s tallest skyscrapers. I designed this new Bamboo Mood collectionas an invitation to travel; an inexhaustible source of inspiration, poetry, anddreams.”
The screen is equal parts sculpture and furniture. Its highly contemporary designsummons bamboo sticks that have been cut and perforated. Available in versionswith two, three or four panels, it is dyed in the mass for a singular coloreffect that changes when viewed from different angles. Thesofa’s fluid lines are an invitation to quiet contemplation and serenity. It isupholstered in a honeycomb stretch fabric, with subtle celadon-green or coralthreads highlighting the curved backs. Thecocktail tables offer a graceful interpretation of a cut bamboo stem; colorshading accentuates the node, which adds gentle definition to the slantingsilhouette. Theyare available in several colors, whether in a lacquered monochrome or with awood-effect top.